** Warning ** |
Important Note |
This is a static calendar—it will NOT automatically update changes you make in Leo. |
- Why you might want to do this anyway: You may want events from your LEO calendar to show when others check your Google Calendar for scheduling purposes.
Step 1:
In your LEO account, open the profile manager:
In the Profile Manager, right-click on the ICS URL and copy and change “Enable Public Calendar Feed” to Yes.
Be sure to click the green "Save Profile" button.
Step 2:
Open your preferred browser and paste the link into the browser address bar.
Hit “Enter” on your keyboard. This will add a file called "default.ics" to your downloads list.
Step 3:
In Google Calendar, select the + next to “Other Calendars”
- Select the “Import” option in the drop-down menu
- In the new window, click on the “Select file from your computer” field
- Select the file (“default.ics”) from the downloads folder in your computer
- Click the blue “Open” button at the bottom of the pop-up screen
- Back in the import screen, be sure your primary ICOM calendar is selected. This should be the default. Importing to any other calendar will not make these events visible to others.
- Select “Import”
All events from your Leo Calendar will load into your Leo Calendar.
To add a dynamic LEO calendar (one that will change as you make changes to LEO) to your Google Calendar, see this article.
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